Courses On Demand


This 37 minute course will change how you look at those long, flat, shallow tailout flats, introducing an opportunity that we enjoy: picking off individual trout where most anglers walk quickly past without any interest.

Tailout flats are one of the most boring, non-descript, featureless and often void of trout regions of a river. But they aren’t. Most fly fishers walk quickly past to get to the “good, interesting and fishy water” of riffles, features, slots and troughs. But you shouldn’t.

While the surface of tailout flats is often flat water, the bottom substrate of the river is often subtle waves of gravel and depressions with inset larger rock, all of which offers current break for many trout to take residence. It’s at this end-of-run prime lie location that we will discover trout stacked, feeding under just enough flow and depth cover.

“$20 to make a lifetime difference in your trout stream fly fishing!” This is available for purchase to download/stream through this link DOWNLOAD / STREAM THIS COURSE NOW!

We love to sight-fish, looking for specific, individual trout. Most fly fishers dismiss our efforts by saying “I can’t do that on my water”; “I don’t have a raised bank to stand upon to sight trout”; or “My river is too murky to sight trout”. In this video we fish a river with 2 to 4 feet of visibility and share exactly how we are so successful, while standing knee-deep in the water.

We want you to see how easily your success and catch rates can improve. We share from a point of view, wading perspective and overhead drone perspective to show what the trout are doing.


1) Understanding why trout hold in tailout flats, what seasonal river flows offer.

2) What trout look like at depth and in murky water, how to observe their behaviour and how to determine how heavily their feeding activity.

3)The gear & setup needed and how to choose depth of feeding on subsurface flies.

4) The pace & cadence of operating on the slower, shallower waterscape of tailout flats.

5) Considerations of lighting and how that affects your position

6) Short line casting mending and management

7) The subtleties in our actions are what make all the difference

This production features 37 minutes of live, detailed insights in how we pick apart tailout flats, how we find individual trout and feed them at the depth they are willing to feed.

This is available for purchase to download/stream through this link DOWNLOAD / STREAM THIS COURSE NOW!

Dave & Amelia Jensen