Fly Fishing Trout Streams Master Course
This is the fly fishing course that deep-dives into everything we do – what we consider, why we know what to do when, where, in what conditions. This course outlines why we’re as consistently successful no matter what trout stream we fly fish. We invite you to download this course – it’s yours to come back to time & again!

We deep-dive into 16 full-length chapters: Introduction & Gear & Equipment – Everything we use & choose and why.
Casting – We look at how we cast – the casting clock on small streams; energy transfer through short lines and long leaders; narrow casting opportunities; timing & accuracy; false casting; casting while respecting the small stream environment to deliver your line & fly without spooking the trout! We look at the Rolling Lift, Raised Cross-Body Reach Cast. Included is our breakdown of why we use 15′ leaders as a starting point is the most detailed explanation of why you need to adopt long leaders.
Bow & Arrow Cast DEEP DIVE – Approach, timing, leading the trout, respecting the environment, setting the hook after a bow & arrow cast through bush, and how to to maximize your bow & arrow cast accuracy and distance.
Casting Over – Casting in heavy bush begs us to make things up but it’s imperative to have a solid starting place.
Casting Lanes – We look at how to identify the best lane so you can deliver the fly with confidence.
Lateral Line Part 1 – We look at what the lateral line is, how trout use it and how we use it to our advantage to draw the trout to our fly. We look at conditions and food items that are peaks and valleys of the lateral line. We also examine how we can induce and somewhat control directionality of trout eating our fly. Lateral
Line Part 2 – We look at many different scenarios where we give ourselves the best chance to hook & land trout from various cover and lies.
Finding Your Trout Stream – The eternal question we get 3 or 4 times daily on our social media channels is “WHERE???” or “How do you find these streams???”
Finding Your Trout Stream Part 2 – We continue our discussion of how to talk to land owners, what questions to ask, how to maximize the information you need without inundating land owners.
Finding Your Trout Stream Part 3 – We look at using Google Earth and how Dave has used his Forest Service background to identify interesting locations and how to use ground truthing associations.
Developing A Mindset & Plan Part 1 – What has the weather, water flow, hatches, temperatures and in-stream temperatures or angling traffic likely been prior to your arrival? How do you project and extrapolate what is likely to be the best fishing for your preferred method given a gamut of considerations? Use the evolution of your knowledge & skill to improve your plan.
Developing A Mindset & Plan Part 2 – We discuss prospecting to understand the fish on new water – what’s there, how do they behave, what do they look like in the water? Spooked fish or refusals to a prospected beetle or a streamer gives you heaps of information – much more!
We also deep dive into: Position, Approach, Hook set, Fighting Trout in Small Streams, and how each part of the process leading in to your moment interlace and impact your success. This course offers heaps of content in advancing your trout stream fly fishing skills. We want you to be as consistently successful as we are.
This is available for purchase to download/stream through this link – DOWNLOAD / STREAM “FLY FISHING TROUT STREAMS MASTER-COURSE”
Sincerely, Dave & Amelia Jensen