The Brown Trout Project is BACK!

We’re happy to share that the Brown Trout Project is finally back on line! 🙂 When produced in 2014 it shared so much detail to brown trout fly fishing and became the video “encyclopedia of brown trout” for so many. This production covers 90% of the core of our fly fishing for brown trout. This production holds high esteem in helping fly fishers learn and advance their brown trout fly fishing skills and aptitudes, eliminating years of frustration on the water.
This is available for purchase to download/stream through the link below or is included as part of our Digital Membership available at this link.
Chapter 1: “Seasons of Brown Trout” we have a look at seasons and how they affect the weather and water conditions and how brown trout relate to the varying conditions. It’s a solid look at where brown trout have to be and why – the rest of the puzzle is so much easier to put together.
Chapter 2: “Fundamentals” We look at competent casting; feeding windows; water & weather considerations; fly size/profile and depth considerations; how many casts are required to catch a fish or to know to change a fly; on wading and approach; how long engagements with good browns take and how much patience; the pace of observation and prospecting; how to walk on a brown trout stream; where to cast from; discussion of dry-dropper or presenting “naked”; to stand or to kneel when casting; how to temper your own pace to avoid emotional rushing; cloud & evening glare discussion; wind and the natural environment.
Chapter 3: “Dietary Habits of Brown Trout” we have a look at the differing food items for brown trout and how that translates into how we cast, approach, drift / twitch our flies. The one caveat is that we don’t delve too far into night fishing nor big food ticket items like mice or crayfish. This is a great unit in observing trout behaviour as they eat and how we can use that to our advantage.
Chapter 4: “Influencing the Brown Trout Take” We can influence the eat of our flies. The lateral line is front & center in this video, but we also look at a host of factors and considerations that also can limit where browns are willing to travel to eat, such as too shallow. It’s an interesting chapter because we can get browns to do what we want.
Chapter 5: “Brown Trout About Rocks” We look at how brown trout use larger rocks, rock shelves, stand-alone boulders, etc to shield water current and how the corresponding flow about rock often carves out troughs that they take advantage of. We look at all sorts of such situations in this “has to be there” habitat.
Chapter 6: “Brown Trout About Gravel” We look at how brown trout use gravel formations influenced by water flow deposits. Gravel floodplain rivers are harsh environments but they have their merit and often the habitat is subtle.
Chapter 7: “Brown Trout About In-Stream Vegetation” Spring creeks are the most common locations for brown trout to weave through in-stream weeds. Seasonal weed growth on many waters creates pockets of weeds or large-standing shoreline weed mats. Their continuity or broken edges allow browns to cruise, generally uninhibited by stream flows. Even in heavier current, in-turn or edge weed beds can create voids in currents that allow brown trout to move about effortlessly in search of food.
Chapter 8: “Brown Trout & Subtle Edges” Hard edges of current breaks afford brown trout to hold, surfing even the subtlest of current breaks. We look at some of the more subtle hard edges in brown trout streams, why browns are there… as a reminder to never dismiss a feature as we work our way upstream. Again, it’s all about energy conservation in a brown trout’s eternal cost-benefit energy analysis.
This is available for purchase to download/stream through the link below or is included as part of our Digital Membership available at this link.